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Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Writer's picture: Wendy NeelyWendy Neely

As I return home from Kauai, I'm relishing that love is ever present and heaven is a place on earth, not just in a Belinda Carlisle song. Instead, love appears in a: stranger's smile, hearing the birds chirp, smelling the air when you know rain is coming, and walking barefoot on the earth.

I haven't always been able to view life in this fashion. But I've received the benefits of deliberately living in the last few years. Everything I do, from the time of waking up to the time I go to sleep, is aligned with the next version of myself. The me that is 100% pain-free, can move with grace, has a heart that is on fire spreading universal love, and is the one who's serving others with a full cup.

Am I perfect? Hell no! Do I slip out of alignment? Heck, yes. The catch is that it's a choice, even if I don't see it initially. I know everything happens for the highest good for me and all involved, and the universe always has my back. I have the control I've always been searching for. It's within me. I've learned control is not controlling others, shaming my body, talking shit, overworking, or forcing things.

Our mind processes over 70,000 thoughts a day (google it!). That's more than our grandparents took in, in their lifetime, and yet we aren't taught any tools to cope or manage? We've been prescribed pills for anxiety and depression and everything else under the sun, yet we have everything we need. Yes, I do know medicine has its place. Then the shame comes in again; why am I like this? I must suck, I have this or that condition, and the shame fest continues its cycle. We all carry shame on some level, and it's not just saved for the Catholics (I have a lot of Catholic friends).

When our mind is on overdrive, our gut gets messed up! My mind was a dumpster fire, and so was my gut, which impacts my brain 🤪 My mind and stomach have been burning since early childhood.

I'm now realizing how powerful my mind is and if I used my mind as a weapon of massive destruction, I could use it as a tool for inner bliss. I've had fearful and worried-ridden thoughts since I was a small child. My worries usually were about death. Crazy and so true. Suppose you've seen My Girl, the 1990s movie with Anna Chlumsky and Macaulay Calkin. My husband pegged me for Anna in the film. It's a tear-jerker, so grab your Kleenex if you haven't seen it 😭. Our negative thoughts come inward if not managed properly and impact our athletic performances, education, and all relationships. Thank God for high levels of curiosity and discernment. The things I thought were devil's play oddly brought me closer home to me and God. The breath of life is what connects us all.

You've heard of cold-hearted before; that was me. Keep me far from anyone or anything that I may experience something extraordinary with because it may be scary or sad. So crazy to think about it like that. I own up to the fact that my heart was 13 sizes too small because it was blocked with layers of ice for protection in addition to the extra weight around my body. The harsh realization that I'm more like the grinch than I ever thought was possible 😜 Not to worry, I've been deliberately melting the iceberg about my heart by creating more fire in my belly.

Our heart is the door into the portal of our internal waters of life. The heart is our inner command center, not our mind. But unfortunately, because we live in such an information and achievement society, it has thrown us so far out of our natural rhythm that we need to learn and remember what our natural rhythm is.

I can see all the pain I've endured in the seen and unseen as a sort of initiation. More crazy talk 😂 or truth talk, if I'm the judge. Now, I love to share my light, swim in the dark and guide others through; love, Source, mind, Chakras (energy centers), auric fields, the moon, anger, grief, and shame because they all reside in me and everyone. These emotions connect us and keep us separate at the same time and when addressed can be a huge catalyst for change.

To sum up, I see life as a school. You get to level up if you pass the test. The universe is NEVER against you. You're experiencing yourself out of alignment like a pre-test. If you don't pass, don't worry because the same challenge will come back to you in a different person, place, or thing until you make the choice that serves the highest good for you and those around you.

People change in four different seasons:

When they hurt enough, they must. (This was me)

When they see enough, they’re inspired too.

When they learn enough that they want to

When people receive enough that they’re able to.

Every time I level up, I see heaven as a place on earth.

Comment if you relate on any level.

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